“Band Aids” Never Last

For those that have recently followed my blog and may not know, I released a book of poetry last year called Blurred Vision (you can purchase a copy here on my website). I’m really getting excited about my second book though, which I won’t reveal the name of just yet. I’ll just say that it has something to do with seeing more clearly after the “Blurred Vision” has passed. But it will be released during the first half of next year. Here’s one of the poems that will be included in my new book, called “Band Aid”. The poem speaks about how we often put temporary fixes on issues that need more attention than just a quick band-aid. Let me know what you think!

Band Aid

You cannot ignore what

You are not willing to fix

The raw meat of the issue

Lies strategically betwixt your temporary solutions

And your conscience

This conjunction is a conundrum

Much more complicated than a catch 22

Cause that can easily be

Caught, conquered and split in 2

Unlike this crass bag of disaster

That leaves me flat on my ass

After deep thoughts cannot divide

Happy moments cannot subtract enough

To change what’s on the other half

Of the equals sign

It’s time to face what

Can’t be erased

We are soldiers strapped for war

Ironically marching in place

With patches over skin

Like quilted tapestry

Trying to heal wounds

Soul sunken deep

Band aids alone were never meant

To cure your issues

They just help block out extra debri…

For a little while

So rip it off

Even if it comes with

A little skin

You’ll do yourself more of a favor

Than that band-aid ever did

Squeeze These and STOP That!

There is nothing new under the sun. But citizens of Tokyo, Japan, just may have defied this statement. When it comes to AIDS research and prevention, we have seen numerous creative an innovative ways to put an end to this disease. But during the “Erotica Will Save The World” event in Tokyo, Japan (hosted by Japanese porn channel Paradise TV), held on August 25th and 26th, there’s a new kind of fundraising that’s will make some people very happy…..especially men. 10 oppai momi models volunteered to have their breasts squeezed for cash that goes towards STOP!AIDS ( a charity that promotes awareness, treatment and prevention of AIDS). WTH? Something tells me a lot of money will be raised for this event though, lol. But the question is, how does it work?

Participants and models have to be 18 years of age or older to participate. The “squeezers” have to sterilize their hands, donate their money and get two squeezes per hand. Not satisfied yet? That’s ok because the squeezers can just get right back in line and pay more money to cop another feel. SMH….and in case you’re wondering what an oppai model is, it’s the practice of allowing people to squeeze your breasts for money. Although this practice has been a long-standing practice in Japan, this is the most it’s ever been put out into the open for the viewing (and squeezing) public to see.

So what do you think about this form of prostitution? It may sound harsh, but in a sense that is basically what this is. But then again, can we really get upset if this is for a good cause? At the end of the day, these people are raising money for a disease that has shattered the lives of many people. Is it really that bad for men to get safe pleasure and be able to contribute to a definitely worthy cause? Or are these models exploiting themselves to a point of no return? After all, I don’t really see them being able to get corporate jobs after this. There’s no confirmation on how much the squeeze fee is, but one thing is for sure….this fundraiser is sure to rake in some major cash!

What are your thoughts about it?

Freedom Fighters or Calorie Counters?

Forbidden fruit is always sweeter. Since the beginning of time, this is a known fact. There’s something about telling people they can’t have something that makes them want it even more. For New York City citizens, they may become all too familiar with this scenario sooner than they think. Last month, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that in order to promote healthier lifestyles in the city, there should be a ban on the sale of large-sized sodas (over 16 ounces) in restaurants, coffee shops, sporting venues, etc (besides grocery stores). He believes the city is obese, and this will help them make more health conscious beverage selections. Ironically, New York City was participating in National Donut Day the very next day after this very press conference. Entenmann’s even unveiled a 1 foot in diameter donut in Madison Square Park. That happened at the same time Michael Bloomberg’s proclamation letter was set to be unveiled by the public. WTH?! So it’s ok to eat donuts, as long as you don’t drink 32 oz sodas????

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs, tried to defend the conflict between the red light on sodas and the green light on donuts by stating, “The celebratory events, the naming days in honor of individuals or items, or frivolities that are fun and [bring] exceptional joy are quite distinct from a public health agenda.” Yeah….Right Mayor Gibbs. If that helps you sleep at night…. As if to give the city some kind of treat to avoid cold turkey soda binges, Diet soft drinks and 0 calorie options would be excluded from the soda ban. But if you thought New Yorkers were taking this lightly, then think again. Although they will not be able to vote to stop the proposed ban (only approval from the NYC Department of Health is needed), members of the New Yorkers for Beverage Choices hand delivered over 6,100 comments from New Yorkers who oppose the ban. They also brought forth a very good point on the scheduling of yesterday’s public hearing: “By scheduling this hearing in the middle of a business day during many restaurants’ and delis’ busy lunch periods, the Department of Health is sending a clear message that they are not interested in hearing what real New Yorkers have to say about this proposal.” New Yorkers are not standing by to watch how this situation fizzles out. They’re taking matters into their own hands to make a difference.

When I first heard about this, I was honestly very angered by it. With all of the poverty, senseless acts of violence, and equal rights issues floating around to be dealt with, why is soda such a big deal? True, we all know sodas aren’t good for us, but is Mayor Bloomberg really crazy enough to think that this will stop obesity??? If he was really concerned, do something like buying people healthy groceries with their gym memberships. How about that Bloomberg? (he doesn’t even get the handle of Mayor right now). I’ve never even been to New York, but I feel their pain. And to top all of it with a National Donut Day?! WTH? Let’s a take a minute to break these calories down. There are 310 calories in a 32 oz soda. A medium-sized donut is 255 calories. That’s a 55 calorie difference from not picking up the 32 oz soda. But the reality is, you’ll probably just drink one 32 oz soda in a day. But will you just eat one medium-sized donut? Highly unlikely! That’s 510 calories in less than 5 minutes (if you eat fast like me). Should have reached for that soda instead huh?

What are your thoughts on this foolishness? For more info on this insane proposed ban, check out www.nycbeveragechoices.com