New Website, New Look, New Mailing List….




I have exciting news for you…  I’ve switched from Word Press to my own personal website…   I’m really excited about the freedom I will have to share with you all more Music, WTH Moments, and more inspiration…  If you would like to continue receiving emails and updates from Peauxetic Expressions, please click on the link below.

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Thanks again for joining the Peauxetic Expression Family….



Hidden Costs To Be The Boss

Me at 24 years old.

I first noticed it when I was 25 years old. I didn’t want to do it….after all I was only a quarter of century old. Isn’t this something I should be going through years down the line? But something eventually had to be done. I was dang near headed to be the Hair Club for Men President…or at least the Parliamentarian, LOL. When I started seeing pictures of myself with my head tilted back and I already looked bald, I told myself, “Ok Carlos, you know what you need to do”. After over a year of debating, I decided to go for it. I remember sitting in the barber chair and my barber asking me, “You ready? This is it!” I said, “Yeah, I’m good….Wait!” I sat there for a minute and then just told him to cut my hair off, lol. It was already almost gone anyway. What was the point of holding on?

As I was getting my hair shaved, I started getting excited about how much money I was going to save. Getting my hair cut every 2 weeks was $20 a pop, plus tip. So I was looking at potentially saving $45-$50 a month. Yeah….this shaved head thing won’t be so bad after all. Plus it was so hot outside that Summer, so I was glad to feel any kind of cool breeze on my head. Then the reality set in. After getting tips from multiple friends, family members and my barber, it was time for me to shave my own head….only 3 days later! I thought I was balding…why was my hair growing so fast!? I started thinking I may have gotten in over my head on this one. After a few bloody massacres, I eventually was able to shave my head without getting too many nicks, lol.

But there’s one thing nobody told me….RAZORS ARE EXPENSIVE!!! The razor I use, the Schick Hydro 5, costs $10.94 at Wal Mart for a 4 pack refill. I shave my head and face all at once, so I can only use each razor twice before it gets dull. WTH?! So that means every 8-10 days or so, I’m back in the store buying another refill. So in a month’s time, I’ve gone through almost 3 refills which….only a few dollars cheaper than my regular hair cuts were…SMH. Not to mention trying to grow a beard or sideburns. Unless you have a very steady hand with a straight razor and great clipping skills, you may come out with a lopsided trail of hair across your jawbone. Aaagghhh….so that leaves it up to a professional to do. Which costs about $15. WTH?! Got to be more careful….

My favorite shaving cream, from The Body Shop

Ok, so maybe I didn’t really calculate all the costs associated with going bald, lol. Nevertheless, I still enjoy it and other than the days I have to shave in the morning, I just get up and go. And maybe I didn’t realize all of the tedious effort that goes into shaving, but unless I want to look like a wolf, it has to get done, lol. I know I’m not alone here….you may laugh now but I know  you have a situation where you didn’t quite count up all the costs. True, mine is more visible, lol….but we’ve all been there before. So let’s hear your story….

Flashback to the G Spot

If you got a chance to check out last Thursday’s post, “Catch Me On The G Spot Tonight!” then you know I had an announcement to make. I was featured on DFWiRadio’s Thursday night G Spot segment with Jasira and Ty. I had an awesome time and got a chance to meet some awesome writers and get reacquainted with others. There’s nothing like being in your element and being surrounded by like-minded people who share the same passions and interests as you do.

So in case you missed it, here it is…….your ticket to the G Spot and checking out last week’s show. Make sure to tune in to the new segment of  the G Spot tonight at, 7:00pm CST. The G is for Groove….

If you haven’t gotten it already, make sure you pick up your copy of my book, Blurred Vision! Click on the BuyNow button below to get your copy!

Think Like A Man…Act Like A Fool

In case you didn’t know, comedian/actor/author Steve Harvey has released his new movie, “Think Like A Man” which is based on his book, Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. I haven’t seen the movie, but those that have seen it say it’s pretty good. Kudos to him and he’s probably thinking like a millionaire all the way to the bank (the movie was #1 its opening weekend, pulling in $33 million), lol. But I’m not here to talk about Steve Harvey or relationships today….well, at least not directly.

On Monday, NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanders tweeted to  390,000 + followers, “Pray for me and my kids now! They just witnessed their mother and a friend jump me in my room. She’s going to jail n I’m pressing charges!” WTH?! Say it ain’t so….this can’t be true. It’s bad enough to tweet your personal business (more than likely in an attempt to gain attention), but why get your kids involved in that?! Again…WTH?! Pilar, Deion Sanders estranged wife and now WWE wrestling candidate, has some explaining to do too though. If he didn’t hit you, why are you jumping him???? But more importantly, why do people feel the need to put their personal business on social media forums? Some things just should not be share for all of the world to see. I’m just saying…

Then there’s Nicki Minaj….the classic case of removing social media outlets in efforts to gain attention. After what seems like disappointment behind lackluster album sales, she has decided to delete her Twitter account that had over 11 million followers.  She reportedly did this because she’s sick of all the buzz behind her selling out and becoming a pop artist. Somebody please let me know when these people have real problems in their lives….SMH. I’m sure with the headache over selling out or not, comes a fat check. Hmmm….so is this supposed to make everyone rush out to get the CD?? It seems like people these days are following the mantra, “All publicity is good publicity”.  But that doesn’t work for everyone… Nicki Minaj’s whole image is built on shock value, so she would have to do something pretty drastic in her personal life to drum up major sales….but again, I’m just saying… In a recent interview with UK radio host Tim Westwood, where she refers to herself in 3rd person as “the kid”, she says, “”People aren’t even giving the kid props for taking it back to the essence. This is my fourth mixtape, really. The kid did like that so she could feed her fans. But really, now the kid is thinking maybe she should leave the game.” Who the heck is the kid?!?! Nonsense….

The point of it all is why air out your dirty laundry in the media? True we all have it…but don’t all want to smell it. Keep some things private…everybody doesn’t need to know everything. And deleting Facebook and Twitter accounts to gain attention may not be the best way to go either. You’ll feel even worse if you do and no one begs you back….just a thought. So what are your thoughts on it? Do you think Twitter and Facebook users have gotten too outrageous with their posts, status updates, Tweets and Twit pics? What should these outlets really be used for? WTH is really going on…

And oh…BTW, make sure you follow me on Twitter (@Peauxetic) and Facebook (Peauxetixc Expressions)….