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Still Sleeping With The Ex

Ever get that funny feeling like somebody is following you? Like there’s somebody else at home with you but you know you’re alone? Or at least you think you are. Is it a raccoon in your attic? Maybe termites in your walls? You look up into the air vent in your ceiling and your mind must be playing tricks on you. You’ve just seen a pair of beady eyes staring back at you. For “Tracy”, a single mother of 5 in Rock Hill, Charlotte, this was her reality. This was not a ghost or animal, but her ex-boyfriend she broke up with over 12 years ago. Yep, you read right…..12 years.

Tracy did not want to be named because her ex-boyfriend is still on the loose. After he was released from jail two weeks ago, he decided to pay her a visit (unbeknownst to her and her kids). According to her, she had been receiving letters from him while he was in jail and even had him do some odd jobs at her house over a year ago. All of this on top of his drug addiction, which is the primary reason for their breakup 12 years ago. Her ex-boyfriend even went as far as stealing her car to get money for drugs. So you may be wondering just how he made his way into her attic. That part is still unknown, since the only entrance to the attic is inside her house. Authorities found that Tracy’s ex-boyfriend had been stuffing himself inside of the heating unit with old coats as his “cover up”. There were also multiple Sonic cups filled with urine and feces throughout the attic.

This is so crazy, it’s actually funny. I don’t understand how Tracy even entertained this man to allow him to do odd jobs around her house and send her letters while he was in jail. After 12 years of being broken up??? Something besides her attic doesn’t smell right here. There must have been more than odd jobs going on at home between her and the ex-boyfriend. And if he wrote her letters (plural) in jail, chances are she wrote him back some of those times. Once police officers found him in the attic, he quickly fled the scene and has not been caught since. Makes you wonder what’s really going on when you hear those strange noises in your house at night, doesn’t it?

What do you think about this extreme case of stalking?

The Seduction of the “P” Word

It has been known to seduce. It has been known to divide. It comforts and heals. It conquers all feelings of honesty and creates jealousy. It kills and then blames you for the act. It eats away at your soul and lies at the root of all vanity….and disaster. It’s the subtle warning before you see the flashing lights coming towards you. You won’t see it on my sleeve. You won’t always see it on their face. What is this dangerous P word? PRIDE!

I’ve been thinking lately about how pride hinders us (including myself) in so many ways. It tarnishes our relationships, friendships, and even our health. What is it about pride that is so attractive that we must hold on to it for dear life? I know I have been guilty of this before. Whether it’s being sick and trying to be a man about it and just making myself worse (I prefer to just be left alone when I feel sick) or being ashamed to admit that an unexpected expense causes me to need extra cash, I’ve done it. And don’t you find it strange that even after we think we’ve learned the lesson from those prideful moments, we still fall into the same traps?

If you really think about it, we exhibit at least one (if not multiple forms) of pride every day. Let’s start with getting your clothes ready for work. Do you pick out that certain outfit on the meeting day with your big execs because you don’t care how you look (probably not good, lol), you genuinely want to look your best or you want to impress those execs? Chances are, your answer is one of or a mix of the last 2 choices. Then let’s take that dream car you can’t keep your eyes off of. Is it a Bentley, Lexus, Maserati, or Mercedes? You may genuinely like these cars and if so that’s how it should be. But how much do the desires behind our dream cars and houses really cater to what other people think, leaving what we want in the dark? Suppose someone’s dream car is a Kia (highly unlikely). They probably wouldn’t admit this too much, because it’s not a status symbol.

Don’t get me wrong, we should take enough pride in ourselves to look presentable, be confident, and know our own self-worth. But just like there’s a thin line between love and hate, there’s probably an even finer line between unhealthy and healthy pride (if there is such a thing).  Just like some of the foods we eat, we have to use pride sparingly, because it’s never good to be too prideful. No matter who you are, you will need forgiveness, a helping hand, or understanding at some point in your life. And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, your turn is coming.

What are your thoughts on pride? Should we only possess a little of it or avoid this “P” word altogether?

A Scratch And Sniff Kinda Love

I love cologne. A couple of my favorites are Burberry London and Gucci Guilty. To me, you can almost never have too many different kinds. To me, it’s an enhancer to your outward appearance. Almost like the feeling of a fresh hair cut (or shave for me, lol) and a new hair style for ladies. With that being said, I also love perfume. Think about the last time you met someone who looked good and then think about how they smelled. Chances are, their scent either brought them up or down a notch or two on the looks rating, lol.

Meet Judith Prays. She’s a 25-year-old web developer who became fed up with failed attempts at online dating. She decided to create pheromone parties after she ended up in a 2 year relationship with someone who didn’t initially match up against her dating check list. Apparently his smell is what stuck with her the most. Thus the idea of pheromone parties. What exactly is this? Judith started her first pheromone party in New York with about 40 guests who were all told to freeze a T-shirt they’ve slept in for 3 days. The bags containing the shirts are then marked blue for men and pink for women, along with tagged numbers. Half a dozen of the “couples” hit it off and actually made lasting relationships. Right now the pheromone parties are only in New York and Los Angeles, but there is talk of Atlanta and San Diego getting in on the smelly love fest as well.

Ok….yeah this sounds like a very funny idea and something cool to go to and get a good laugh. But for real dating? WTH?! Who does this? I guess Judith does and she seems to be successful with it. But this concept just raises so many eyebrows with me. First of all, what happens if you pick someone based on their scent and they’re not attractive? Or what if they are attractive but you see someone else’s shirt that you didn’t sniff but can’t keep your eyes off of? Do you give your date their shirt back and say, “No thanks, I’ll choose her (or him) instead?” LOL. And then there’s the obvious elephant in the room. What happens if your shirt gets sniffed 10 times and nobody picks you? Talk about a self-esteem let down, lol. Some of the party goers stated that they have smelled marijuana on some of the people’s shirts. WTH?! Really??? Who’s going to smell a shirt laced with marijuana and say, “Oh yeah that’s it! I gotta have em….that smell drives me wild!” Any takers? Didn’t think so.

I think at best this is a great ice breaker to maybe get conversation started. But as far as long-lasting relationships from your sniff mate that you pick….eh, I don’t see it happening. So what do you think about it? Could you ever go to a party like this? If you did, would you really go to pick up a date or just for a good laugh and conversation?

I Can’t Please You

Get a nose job. Butt implants. Breast implants. Lose some weight. You’re too skinny. You need some more muscles. You’re too serious. Cut your hair. Why are you so sarcastic?

These are all things we may hear from people, including our friends and family, on how we should be. Whether it’s our physical appearance or an attitude adjustment, someone will always try to change you. And once you please that person, their tastes will change. If you do manage to please one person, the next person will hate your changes. Then you’re back at square one. Aaagggghhh!!! What do you do? YOU DON’T CHANGE! Huh? I know….it may seem like it doesn’t make sense, but you really should not change. From the day you’re born until the day you die, people will always try to change something about you.

The kicker is, who are you changing for? Is it for you or just to please someone else in the heat of the moment? Someone else whose preferences and thoughts of you may eventually transform. I have found through personal experience and from talking to close friends and family that often times people are just unhappy with themselves. When you are displeased with yourself, you will never fully be able to please someone else….and they will never fully be able to please you. It’s basically like the old saying, “Misery loves company”. Everyone doesn’t realize they are incapable of pleasing themselves or others, but there is a natural human instinct to gravitate towards like forces. In other words, because I’m not happy with myself (whether consciously or subconsciously), my job is to make you feel like I do. Will you be the one to fall prey to this dangerous game??? Hopefully not. If you just have to change something about yourself, make sure it’s a change you want or need to make….not just because someone told you to do it.

I believe that by nature women change for the wrong reasons quicker than men do. Men are stubborn by nature and usually can’t be budged unless they feel like it. Let’s take breast implants for instance. Many women, celebrities and the average woman included, will go through with getting bigger breasts because they think it will get attention. Those bigger breasts may get you in the bed with the guy quicker, but probably not much further than that. Just a thought. Augmentation of the body without augmentation of the mind is useless. But it goes deeper than relationships and men have their faults too. We all change because we want to fit into certain social classes, get attention from people who can nothing for us, and because our family/environment told us that we should. But is it worth it after it’s all said and done?

Is there anything in life that you want to change about yourself? If so, what is the motive behind it? Are you striving to please someone else, while sacrificing yourself? Maybe you’re that person that believes everything happens for a reason and should be left the way it is. Whatever the case, feel free to leave your thoughts and comments!